How To Fix Your Modded Xbox360 Hardrive

Modded xbox 360 parts

Posted on March 18, 2009 byA few months ago, I wrote about my disgust with Microsoft because of an unreadable disc error on my Xbox 360. The error, I discovered, was due to a busted DVD drive. Microsoft wanted $100 to repair my Xbox, and I came really close to just paying the fee and sending it in. Guys, I’m really glad I decided to take a look at it myself. The repair was so simple that I had my Xbox up and running in about thirty minutes.There are tons of really good tutorials and videos on the web that explain how to disassemble your Xbox, so I’m not going to break things down to that level. It’s my hope that approaching the problem from a broad overview will remove some of the fear and uncertainty that surrounds cracking your Xbox 360 open. If you’re not yet ready to repair your DVD drive, check out the different.Please note: If your Xbox 360 is still under warranty, I recommend sending it to Microsoft for repair.

The Xbox 360 hard drive stores a large number of permanent and temporary files during use. The physical distance on the hard drive between files used by the same game can be large enough to cause a slight delay in the game. This issue is referred to as fragmentation. It is possible to defrag an Xbox 360 hard drive by clearing the console system. How To: Copy Xbox 360 games without a mod chip How To: Mod your XBox 360 case How To: Fix a bricked XBox 360 hard drive with a mod disc How To: Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts How To: Make Your Xbox 360 Games Region Free. THe first thing you will need to strip the yellow and black wires from the connection thing that connects the hdd to the xbox. Once you have the window cut and the wires of the plug stripped you can start to wire your LEDs. I am using orange wire for positive, and white as ground.

Warranty repairs are free and you should get an extension on your warranty, which is a nice bonus. I can only suggest that you attempt the repairs yourself if the warranty has run out and you’re comfortable with handling computer components. Also, even though your warranty may have expired, you can still pay to have it fixed. However, if you open up your Xbox, I’m not sure you’re still eligible for repairs.

So, consider that before you begin.If you’ve ever made a computer repair that involved replacing hardware, repairing your Xbox should be pretty simple. If the thought of opening your computer and replacing a DVD drive frightens you, please stop here and read something else. I’m working on another article that covers all the things you can do with an Xbox even though your DVD drive is broken. Sit tight!Still here?

So let’s talk about some of the things that can go wrong with your DVD drive. There are several common problems out in the wild:. A magnet has come unglued. This is the problem I had. After searching the web for a couple of days, it looks like this is a very common problem. Symptoms include the Unreadable Disc error, funny noises, a scratched game disc or DVD, and random Stone Temple Pilot references. The motor that spins the disc is not working properly.

To verify this is the problem, you’ll have to open your Xbox 360 and take a peek inside the DVD drive. Though, if your drive is really, really quiet and you haven’t installed your games to the hard drive, you’ve got a reason to suspect the disc motor.

You can either just replace the motor assembly, which involves opening up your DVD drive, or you can just replace the whole drive. Replacing the motor requires finding the same motor for the original model of DVD drive installed in your Xbox 360. Replacing the entire drive opens another can of worms, as it means you’ve got to either swap the boards or flash the new drive with the old drive’s key (I know! It’s confusing!). The motor that moves the laser assembly is not working properly. This problem is often associated with odd noises coming from the DVD drive, especially when you first insert a disc.

The easiest way to verify this is to open up your Xbox 360 and take a look inside your DVD drive. Spinning a disc up is kinda cool with all the DVD drive’s guts exposed. Just don’t look at the laser.Before you sit down to disassemble your Xbox 360, you need to gather a few tools. Links to are provided in case you need to make a name=”250×250″. A set of (Sizes T10 and T8 will be used, but you might as well pick up a good set).

A Philips-head screwdriver. A really, really small flat-head screwdriver.

A precision set will do nicely, and you’ll be able to fix your glasses later if they break. A flashlight. I found myself using a headlamp so I could see the little plastic tabs that hold the Xbox’s outer plastic shell in place. When you’re done, you can use it to read late into the night. A with some sort of between the Xbox and the table/floor/whatever.

Once you’ve removed the plastic shell, the metal chassis can scratch your work surface. Don’t fix your Xbox on your mom’s dining room table. Some patience and TLC. Well my friend gave me a broken 360 and i took it and i have been tinkering with it for a while and i realized that the disk drive needed to be fixed and/or replaced. And so i did that and it still won’t read the 360 games (but it has had no problem reading DVDs!!) and it keeps giving me the error message (“Please insert a Xbox 360 game disk”) and i haven’t been able to fix the 360 and it has been driving me insane, but to much thanks to you i have realized what i need to do and i am hoping it will work.wes onJuly 4th, 2009 5:14 pm.

I had the same exact problem but when i stumbled on to this site i ended up figuring out what was wrong with it. I didnt have to replace the disk drive. I think most of the time when people see that it doesnt read a disk they automatically assume they have to replace the disk drive but there are alternatives and i was fortunate enough to stumble onto this site that provided me the information i needed to fix my xbox. You have adjust the POT COLLABERATION. If you need to do some research on how to do this(This tutorial is made by Moda from xbox-scene, this tutorial is free to distribute providing you keep it in original form, if you wish tomodify if atleast let me know what for etc I take no responsibility for any damage caused to any of your consoles through the use ofthis tut, basically I aint takin no shit from no one, if you’re a retard then don’t bother doing this mod. Anyway good luck!

)XBOX 360 DVD POT CALIBRATION V1.0(For Samsung drives – technique is the same for other drives)(I have rushed to make this tut, I will release a better one in a couple of days time)This tutorial is for those of you which have dirty disc errors, discs sometimes workingand sometimes not. I hope you get the point.Remember to test your disc on another modded box before you recalibrate the pot tomake sure your disc is a good working copy in the first place.I can recommend using only high quality branded media, Verbatim DVD+R DL seems tobe the best so far, after that I would recommend something with Ritek dye. Ive had lots ofproblems with MCC dye so I wouldn’t recommend that for now, but that’s me andeveryone may have mixed results.Ok lets start.Get your Xbox 360 opened up (I’m assuming you know how to do this considering youwant to adjust the pot.)Take the metal casing off the dvd drive by removing the 4 screws holding it in place.Now turn it over and you should see the followingYou need to push the black tab on the bottom right to one side, this lets you lift up thepcb. Do this VERY slowly as it will only lift up a little. One you have lifted it a tiny bityou can remove the cable which is holding the pcb In place, one you have removed thisyou should lift the pcb over and left it there. (remember to be gentle at all times, thiscables are hard to come by if you damage them)Now you should see the picture above.

Remove the cable connecting the pcb to the lensso you have more room to calibrate the pot. Now look at the pic below.To measure the pot, get a multimeter, and also a micro electronic screwdriver with a2MM tip (flat head).Now get your multimeter and set it to 20K (ohms). Connect it to the two connections onthe pot. (doesn’t matter about positive and negative, any way round will do) and take thereading.The reading for the DVD pot is around 3.4k ohms 4.2k ohms.

Matthew,The Xbox 360 will only play DVD’s because the new DVD Drive Key does not match the one stored on the motherboard.There are two options available1) If the replacement DVD drive is the same as the original, you can switch the PCB boards on the drives. So that the key matches the motherboard.2) If the new drive is different, you need to extract the DVD Key from the original drive using Jungleflasher.

You then need to spoof the new drive, so that it matches the original. You also need to input the DVD Key.If you have thrown away the old drive, there is nothing you more you can do. It will just have to be used as a dvd player or for arcade games.Jay onJuly 26th, 2009 10:03 pm. I bought a 360 on feeBay for $1.30 + 9.95 shipping from a high volume Powerseller. It was a Thursday night and just nobody bid.

The console still has the MS seal and LIVE works, but the DVD drive makes odd noises and won’t read disks.Anyway the step of flashing a replacement Hitachi DVD drive intimidates me. I only have one laptop, and the thought of messing around in the BIOs doesn’t seem like a good idea. Might attempt to locate the magnet piece as described in this article, it would be great if that did the job.Thanks for the well written articles (Jared).daniel onFebruary 17th, 2010 4:54 pm.

If it makes these sounds only when attempting to read discs, I would suspect the magnet and the small round plate inside the drive are not doing their job (stabilizing the disc and preventing it from slipping). However, it’s important to note that there are other components inside the drive that could fail, such as the drive motor and the gears that control the laser/lens. In any case, it’s nearly impossible to know without opening up the console and drive, which should only be done if your warranty is up and you’re comfortable with doing such a thing.matthew onSeptember 11th, 2011 4:52 pm.

Hi, ive read through your thread, and it sounds really simple (and i aint even a techy!) what it is, my xbox no longer reads ANY kind of discsi insert the makes two verry odd humming noises.then the xbox tells me to open the disc trayas if i hadnt even put a disc in! Repeatedly opening and closing the disc tray used to work, but now, nothing!:( could this be a loose magnet? Everything on the xbox is as how it came when brand new, and its had no mods. The warranty has run out, so im fully prepaired to rip it open if i need to. Thanks.Angelo onJuly 2nd, 2012 2:43 am. Thanks for the info great post.

Btw i opened my xbox360 thinking it was a magnet problem as described. I found the magnet in place. After careful inspection i found a piece of long hair (my girlfriends) and a small little fuzball on the arms that the laser rides on. I cleaned those and since im a smoker i also used a q-tip with rubbing alchohol and cleaned my laser lense. I very lightly regreased the running rails for the laser and put the drive back togethor. After putting it all back togethor it is working fine. I am however taking 4 of my fav games and installing them on my HD.

Mine would recognise the game discs but only load a few moments of them or stop and give the dirty disc error after playing for a few seconds. I figure if my favs are installed and the system recognises the disc if it happens again at least i can play one of the games i installed.Got something to say?Name (required)Email Address (required)WebsiteSpeak your mind.

Xbox 360 Hard Drive SizesOf course, later Xbox 360 released other storage options at the end letting you to choose from – 4GB; 20GB; 60GB; 120GB; 250GB; 320GB and from 2015 – Xbox 360 500GB. We have to say 500GB is reasonable, but still, its hard drive fill up quite fast if you're serious about.However, there is a solution, no matter what capacity Xbox 360 hard drive you currently own, you can always upgrade it. If you have chosen to do so there are two options: getting an original Xbox 360 hard drive upgrade or 2.5-inch laptop internal hard drive.

The first option is the easiest. You just buy desired capacity hard drive (in Xbox 360 specific casing) and replace it with the old one, and it works!The second option for a xbox 360 hard drive is a little bit more tricky. You can't just insert laptop HDD into your Xbox 360 and expect it to work. Some other things have to be done before. The most easiest way to upgrade your storage capacity is adding Xbox 360 an external hard drive, check out our article.

Notice, that now Xbox 360 allows you to add external hdd with capacity up to 2TB.In this article, we have created a list of best Xbox 360 compatible hard drives you can get whether you want to upgrade Xbox 360 slim hard drive or just regular Xbox 360 hard drive. And whether HDD is made exactly for Xbox 360 or 2.5 inch laptop HDD.Hard drives made exactly for Xbox 360If you don't want to worry too much about replacing your Xbox 360 hard drive then the easiest way is getting the one that's made exactly for Xbox 360, it will come in Xbox plastic casing and won't require any specific formatting.

However, if you choose HDD that's made exactly for xbox360, the storage capacity is very limited. You can upgrade your Xbox 360 hard drive to 320GB and Xbox 360 slim hard drive to 500GB. But the best thing is – these hard drives are cheap, and they are very easy to replace. How to Add or remove an Xbox 360 compatible by factory Hard Drive. Xbox 360 S First thing you have to do is to turn off the console and position it horizontally. On the right side of the console you will find a hard drive cover. Open this cover as shown in picture 1. Pull the hard drive out and swap it with the new one – press it in firmly until you hear it click(see picture 2).

Xbox 360 EFirst thing you have to do is to turn off the console and position it horizontally. On the right side of the console you will find a hard drive cover.

How To Fix Your Modded Xbox 360 Hard Drives For Sale

Open this cover as shown in picture 1. Pull the hard drive out and swap it with the new one – press it in firmly until you hear it click(see picture 2). Original Xbox 360 consoleFirst thing you have to do is to turn off the console and locate hard drive (1.). Then press the release button on the hard drive and lift the hard drive away from the console.

How To Fix Your Modded Xbox 360 Hard Drive Reviews

2.5 inch laptop hard drives for Xbox 360You can also go other way and choose to upgrade you Xbox 360 or Xbox 360 slim hard drive with laptop 2.5 inch HDD. Now you can choose your HDD manufacturer and specs you want. However this isn't so easy as it requires special formatting and it may not be so easy to find a compatible hard drive. And if you want your new hard drive to sit well in its place, you also have to get an plastic enclosure like.This is the hardest way to upgrade your Xbox 360 hard drive, but if you really need that extra performance and options, you should consider this.

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