Best Professions In Wow Legion


Best Professions For Legion

Best professions to make money in wow legion

Inscription trinkets always are the best thing to sell in the begining of the exp, dunno about if it will still in legion, but is a good bet Reply With Quote 2016-06-07, 01:20 PM #10. Mar 11, 2017  With that out of the way, Now I find myself wanting to know what professions to go with. I have learned that professions are not what they used to be, so I ultimately decided that I wanted to go for a profession that brings in the money.

Best Professions In Wow Legion Of War

Taken from a Reddit thread and I think this analysis is spot on:Quote:I played a little bit of Beta, read a lot on WoWhead and would like to share my thoughts on how to make much gold in Legion based on my experiences on Draenor EU, a quite high pop server where tokens cost like 77k gold atm. Of course I am always open for new ideas and find its always nice to diversify my strategies. Anywaaay:NUMBER ONE:Enchanting! Everyone needs enchants, especially when in the third/fourth week shortly before raid opens those guys will sell like hot cake. The good news is that these are gonna be super expensive (read: profitable) because they require about 4-10 Chaos Crystals (from dissing Legion epics) each. Especially at the start this will create a huge market barrier: Every noob can farm herbs or go mining for example, but not many enchanters will be able to farm mythic dungeons to get these shards, so competiton will be way smaller.Edit: It was pointed out that you can disenchant cheaply crafted epics to get these shards.

I agree that it is an efficient way to get these, but I think Enchanters still have more useful market barriers than BS or LW.In fact Legion has so much to do at the beginning that distracts other players (worldquests, class quest, suramar, order hall quests), that you will have zero competition, if you focus on gearing up and farming dungeons. Added to the that, Enchanting also comes with 1 toy and 3 pets that all cost like 20-50 Chaos Crystals! Personally I am not very familiar with the pet and mount market so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think especially at the start of the expansion only a fraction of enchanters will get their hands on Chaos Crystals and even the hardcore raiders who farm Mythics all day will use their first hundreds of Chaos Crystals for enchanting the whole guild. This means that absolutely NOBODY will have these pets in AH.Nobody can undercut you, so the sky is really the limit. I have seen pets and toys get traded for crazy amounts of golds. And with all those all those rich kid twitch donators and Garrison gold in the economy I believe that you can turn from zero to WoW-Millionair in the span of the first 3 weeks easily.This strategy is not very flexible as you basically have to focus and don't have time to diversify into much else (like farming herbs, LOL).

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