Gta 5 Characters Mod

Aug 2, 2015 - Case in point: the GTA 5 RPG mod by LogicSpawn, which turns the game's. Then you'll access a character creation screen where you can.

Gta 5 Characters Mod

Gta 5 Character Mods Ps4

InfoCharacterMenu is a mod that allows you to turn into any NPC in the game, and also allows you to change their clothing and features.You'll have over 500 NPC's to choose from, about 350 of which have customizable options. The 150 or so that don't have any additional options will say uncustomizable next to them, and you'll still be able to play as them.I automated the entire process of scanning through the NPC's and outputting every single one of their items, so you should theoretically have every single possible item of clothing for each character. Even the animals have a few options. I also went through and removed all the duplicate models, and the models that have been causing several other trainer's I've seen to crash.Also threw my own manager in there for keyboard input. The original felt a little unresponsive. This one should be able to type as fast as you can press the keys!Default ControlsMenu - F3 (Standalone)Menu - F4 (NativeTrainer Merge)Up - Numpad 8Down - Numpad 2Left - Numpad 4Right - Numpad 6Select - Numpad 5Back - Numpad 0You can change the controls in the CharacterMenuControls file.

Gta 5 Mods For Ps4

It gets generated once you start up the game with the mod installed.Known Bugs- You turn back to michael when you die or when you get arrested. If I didn't turn you back, you'd get stuck in an infinite loading loop for some reason. This is part of the reason I implemented a save feature.- You keep your guns, but you still lose your attachments when switching to another model. Still working on a fix for it.- Biggest bug by far is that you're unable to do a lot of things that the main characters can do. While playing as an NPC, you won't be able to carry cash, enter any shops besides gas stations, do story missions, or get random events.It's due to the fact that when you change characters, instead of just putting a different skin on you, it changes your character entirely.

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