Propiedad Para Hacer Transparente Un Frame Vba


Form.BorderStyle property (Access). 2 minutes to read.In this articleSpecifies the type of border and border elements (title bar, Control menu, Minimize and Maximize buttons, or Close button) to use for the form. You typically use different border styles for normal forms, pop-up forms, and custom dialog boxes.

VbaPropiedad Para Hacer Transparente Un Frame Vba
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Read/write Byte. BorderStyleexpression A variable that represents a object. RemarksFor controls, the BorderStyle property uses the following settings. SettingVisual BasicDescriptionNone0The form has no border or related border elements. The form isn't resizable.Thin1The form has a thin border and can include any of the border elements. Windows 10 red wallpaper. The form isn't resizable (the Size command on the Control menu isn't available).

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You often use this setting for pop-up forms. (If you want a form to remain on top of all Microsoft Access windows, you must also set its PopUp property to Yes.)Sizable2(Default) The form has the default border for Access forms, can include any of the border elements, and can be resized. You often use this setting for normal Access forms.Dialog3The form has a thick (double) border and can include only a title bar, Close button, and Control menu. The form can't be maximized, minimized, or resized (the Maximize, Minimize, and Size commands aren't available on the Control menu). You often use this setting for custom dialog boxes. (If you want a form to be modal, however, you must also set its Modal property to Yes. If you want it to be a modal pop-up form, like most dialog boxes, you must set both its PopUp and Modal properties to Yes.)For a form, the BorderStyle property establishes the characteristics that visually identify the form as a normal form, a pop-up form, or a custom dialog box.

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You may also set the Modal and PopUp properties to further define the form's characteristics.You may also want to set the form's ControlBox, CloseButton, MinMaxButtons, ScrollBars, NavigationButtons, and RecordSelectors properties. These properties interact in the following ways:.If the BorderStyle property is set to None or Dialog, the form doesn't have Maximize or Minimize buttons, regardless of its MinMaxButtons property setting.If the BorderStyle property is set to None, the form doesn't have a Control menu, regardless of its ControlBox property setting.The BorderStyle property setting doesn't affect the display of the scroll bars, navigation buttons, record number box, or record selectors.The BorderStyle property takes effect only in Form view. The property setting is ignored in form Design view.If you set the BorderStyle property of a pop-up form to None, you won't be able to close the form unless you add a Close button to it that runs a macro containing the Close action or an event procedure in Visual Basic that uses the Close method.Pop-up forms are typically fixed in size, but you can make a pop-up form sizable by setting its PopUp property to Yes and its BorderStyle property to Sizable.


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