How To Play Conan Exiles Offline

Below are two different methods, first is for using the mods on single player that works well without issue. But there can be a problem with game load time. Second using them in the multiplayer. Method 1 – Using Mods in Single Player. You just need the mod file. Just move the same to Conan Exiles ConanSandbox Mods. Okay, I have figured it out. To play in offline mode, you need to run your own dedicated server. Once I downloaded that and had it running. The game works straight away in offline mode. Hopefully they will make that easier in the future but for now it is all good.

Conan Exiles is absolutely dominating the Steam sales charts this week, driven by some key changes to the survival formula we’ve seen repeated ad nauseam over the last few years, but many players are struggling to survive and make their mark on the wasteland. So we’ve rounded up some tips and strategies to help guide you through the opening hours of the game.This isn’t the place you’ll find specific damage numbers for the handful of weapons currently in Conan Exiles or details on the end-game meta. But the information below should keep you alive long enough to find some friends and figure out what you want to prioritize during the earliest stages of Conan Exiles’ life. Here are our suggestions for those diving into Conan Exiles for the first time or still struggling to find a foothold in the game. Find A Server That Fits Your Play StyleServer hosts have a surprising amount of control over everything from the game’s day/night cycle to how frequently local resources respawn. Some even change the experience gained from different activities, like mining or crafting. If you’re struggling in PvP, switch to PvE for a few hours and try to work on the areas where you’re struggling in a lower-stakes environment.

If you’re looking for big clan vs clan battles, don’t join a server with a low clan cap.Once you’ve made your selection, add your preferred server(s) to your list of favorites, even if there’s a chance you’ll removing them down the road. If it’s one you know you’ll want to revisit, it might be worth writing the name down somewhere outside the game client. Funcom’s server selection interface does not currently include a designation for servers you’ve already created characters on.

Favoriting is pretty much the only way to ensure your progress isn’t lost if the game and/or server crashes. And even that doesn’t feel very reliable. Find A Better Source Of WaterFood and water are some of the most important resources to monitor during your early hours with Conan Exiles. Players always spawn next to a water bottle that will keep you going for a short time, but you’re going to need to find somewhere to refill it pretty quickly. Large bodies of water are also great places to hunt for additional food. But you should probably stick to rabbit hunting at least until you’ve got a working bow and decent supply of arrows.Press M to open your map and locate the nearest source of water.

Once you’ve traveled to that source of water, hold E to drink or (with a bottle equipped) fill your canteen. Conan Exiles Photo: Photo: iDigitalTimes Take Every Branch And Clear Every Bush You FindSee that branch on the ground?Grab it.

And the one next to it.and the all the rest of them you see for your first few hours with the game. Branches are damn near a currency in the early hours of Conan Exiles. You’ll need 50 to build a campfire, and more to keep the fire going, and dozens more to build your weapons and tools.

The same goes for bushes. They’re great sources of seeds, plant fiber and insects. Seeds (when cooked into gruel) and insects will help keep your belly full while plant fiber can be used for basic armor, making twine or as an inefficient fuel for your cooking fire. Build A Bed (Maybe Two)Before you worry about tools, your own house or even clothes, gather the materials for a bed.

Nothing is more frustrating than getting yourself partially geared, finding a decent spot to make camp and then succumbing to hunger, thirst or your fellow exiles before you finished building a respawn point. Once you’ve found a place worth respawning, gather up enough materials to build a few beds and make sure you assign one as your current spawn point (by interacting with it) after it’s been placed. Build A FireFire is an important resource. It gives you a way to cook the meat pulled off rabbits, or anything else you manage to kill, and a use for all those seeds you’ve been carrying (toss them in with some plant fiber). You can learn the cooking fire recipe at Level 3 and it should definitely be taken over the basic stone masoning recipe.It’s also important to remember that food spoils pretty quickly in Conan Exiles. So don’t try to hoard more than a few days worth of food at any one time. There's a good chance some of it will spoil before you can eat it; however, some players have reported slightly longer preservation times for food stored in shrines.

We recommend hunting frequently though to avoid wasted effort. Hunt NPCs For Early ValuablesNow that you’ve built a basic camp, it’s time to start improving your arsenal. If you haven’t already, get to Level 3 and learn the sword and shield recipe. You can probably take on a few low level NPCs with your hatchet but proper weapons will make the task much easier. We’re also big fans of the bow and arrow too, available at Level 5, because it makes hunting for food much easier.Just make sure the camps you’re raiding are really owned by NPCs until you’re comfortable with the game’s combat mechanics.

It’s also good to remember that your health regenerates after you’ve been out of combat for a short period. So try to kite individual enemies away from the camp and kill them one at a time, taking a few moments to heal up in between, to minimize your risk of death while raiding. Conan Exiles Photo: Photo: Funcom Learn To Build A Furnace ASAPAfter a bit of raiding and mining, you’ve probably started to accumulate a variety of metals that you don’t have much use for in their raw state. If you’re struggling to gain experience and level up, start hunting the biggest animal you can consistently defeat. Most of the creatures met early in the game should be pretty easy to take down by the time you’ve started building Tier 2 armor (which begins to unlock at Level 6).As soon as you hit Level 10, learn the Blacksmith recipe and build a furnace. Building a furnace opens up a new tier of items and starts you down the path to smelting steel, the strongest metal currently available to Conan Exiles players.

The new armor and weapons you can craft will also give you a measurable advantage over those new to the game/server. How To Smelt SteelThe process for smelting steel remains a frequent question among new players. Once you’ve built a cauldron, put some Brimstone Tar inside to get Steel Fire. Add Steel Fire to a Furnace with some Iron Bars, and wait for your steel to finish forming. You’ve officially reached the top of the food chain. All that’s left is to keep farming experience, start building your own fort (if you haven’t broken ground already) or start hunting other Conan Exiles players.

Conan Exiles Photo: Photo: Funcom Other Tips.Beds are consumed during the respawn process. Don’t forget to build a replacement if/when you are revived.

Unless, of course, you like being permanently separated from all the stuff you worked hard to build and collect.The scroll wheel on your mouse can be used to reorient walls, doors and other items when building or decorating new structures.Different tools can yield new materials from old resource nodes. For example, using the hatchet on trees yields wood and branches but switching to the pickaxe will increase your stock of tree bark. The same goes for animals that offer multiple resources.Arrows have to be paired with a bow before it will fire. Once you’ve equipped a bow, drag arrows into the same slot of the toolbar and you’ll be able to draw/fire without issue.Press Num Lock to auto-walk.If you want to toggle the game’s UI, for screenshots or any other reason, press Alt + Z.If you forgot to choose a religion during character creation, or want to change later, you can change your religious affiliation by speaking with the priests you encounter.Here’s. If you keep tabs on your current location, while exploring, it’ll make finding your dead carcass a bit easier if things go south.Conan Exiles is currently available in Steam Early Access. The game will make its Xbox One Game Preview debut later this year.Be sure to check back with and for more Conan Exiles news throughout 2017 and however long Funcom supports Conan Exiles in the years ahead.

Conan Exiles has been out in early access for almost a week now, and has taken the Steam sales charts by storm. The new survival MMO title seems to have ticked all the right boxes when it comes to gameplay, story and world development, and is quickly reeling in the players.However many newbies to the game, and to the survival genre as a whole, are struggling to survive a few hours, let alone dominate the Exiled Lands. We are here to help you learn the basics and guide you through that first frightful night. Finding the Right ServerBefore you can start punching trees and chasing rabbits, you will need to choose an online server.

The in-game server browser will present a list of hosted worlds that you may join. Be warned, server hosts have a surprising amount power over their world, and are able to alter certain aspects such as day and night cycles, resource spawning and server difficulty. Be sure to test out multiple servers to find one that suits you and your play style. If PvP is troublesome and you’re looking for ‘peace and quiet’, why not try a PvE server.

Friend or foe? Better find out quick. Getting StartedConan Exiles is a first/third-person game, with the typical survival style nine slot hot bar shown at the bottom of your screen.

A HUD of character stats can be found in your top left corner. Each icon is simple enough to decipher: heart for health, droplet for water, XP for experience gained etc. Keep an eye on these at all times or you will quickly find yourself dying of hunger and thirst. Finding Food & WaterWhen first spawning into a new world, you’re going to feel extremely vulnerable and instinctively look for cover. This is unwise.

Food and water are some of the most important resources to monitor during your early hours in Conan Exiles. Look around your spawn point until you find a rock with a water skin on it. This will help you massively in the coming struggle to survive and will allow you to store small amounts of water. It is advised not to leave the starting area without the water skin as crafting one requires unlocking the recipe and having the resources necessary. It’s a waste, pick it up.With your shiny new water skin in hand, start looking for somewhere to fill it up. Large bodies of water are normally the best places for beginners to set up camp. To refill your water skin, put it on your hot bar and press the associated key while in the water.

Living on the banks of a river will have its benefits. You’re only a few steps away from quenching your thirst, and they are great places to find food. We recommend hunting smaller game till you’ve got your hands on a bow.

Don’t make any sudden moves. Just Pick Up EverythingOnce you have found your spot, press M to open up the in-game map and place a marker on your character point. You don’t want to be forgetting where you set up camp.Now that you feel settled, it’s time to start collecting! For the next few hours you should explore the surrounding area and pick up everything you find. Resources are spent quickly in this game, so you must make sure you’re stacked and close to encumberment.

How to play conan exiles offline

How To Play Conan Exiles Ps4 Offline 2 Player

It takes 50 branches to craft a campfire, and a whole lot more to keep it going through the freezing night. Also make sure to spam that collect button in every bush, they are great sources for finding seeds, plant fiber and insects. Seeds are edible when cooked; and when catching those pesky rabbits gets troublesome, why not force down a couple bugs to keep you going. Hey, it’s Hyboria after all.

Gobble up those bugs. Early Crafting ChoicesCraft yourself a bedroll. Nothing is worse than partially kitting yourself out, dying, and then being sent back to your spawn point. A bedroll will act as a spawn beacon.

Once placed press E to bind your character’s spawn point to the bed. It is important to know however, that the bedroll/spawn point will be consumed upon death, so keep extras around for safe measure.

Crafting a storage box and filling it with useful materials is a great way to keep resources safe in case you die.Your next step is to build a campfire. Lighting a fire will allow you to cook any meat you managed to acquire. Eating it raw is not advised. No matter how hungry you are, consuming raw meat will hurt your character’s health. Campfires also let you use all those seeds and that plant fiber you collected from those bushes.

Place these two materials together in the fire’s UI and watch them form into a hardy, fiber filled bowl of gruel. Learning the cooking fire recipe at level 3 is essential to character survival. Kill or Be KilledSo you have your bedroll and your campfire. Time to go stab something. By now you are probably past level 3 and should learn the sword and shield recipe.

Low level exiled NPCs can be killed with a hatchet, but crafting some basic weapons will make your life so much easier. If you’re looking to level yourself up as quickly as possible, killing is the way to go.

Harvesting and crafting will provide a little bit of experience, but nothing rakes in those XP points quite like murdering someone in cold blood.Killing NPCs will give you additional loot and crafting materials, but be sure you can take them on before you go in swinging. The bow and arrow is unlockable at level 5. Craft one for hunting and ranged attacks. Small Tips. You can repair items by clicking on them in your inventory and hitting repair, or by clicking on them in your hot bar.

This will use up less of your materials. The scroll wheel on your mouse can be used to reorient doors, walls and other items when building your fortress of solitude.

Press Num lock to auto-walk. Once you have crafted and equipped your bow, drag your arrows into the same slot on your hot bar to use.You are now ready to brave the unforgiving Exiled Lands of Hyboria.

How To Play Conan Exiles Offline Free

Good luck, you’re going to need it. Just lie down and accept your fate.

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